The Catastrophic Diagnosis: A Photo Essay

Photography: Nathan Phillips Words: Elana Ford

Our family was blessed with the birth of our son, Gideon, in the spring of 2013. After a blissful two days, his health began to decline. First, he was categorized as failure to thrive when he had trouble eating and gaining weight. At 4 months old, he experienced a sudden loss of all milestones, leaving him seemingly deaf, blind and unable to lift his head. Soon later, mysterious seizures began.

Gideon was eventually diagnosed with West Syndrome, a form of infantile epilepsy with a terrifying prognosis. Medical literature commonly refers to it as ‘the catastrophic diagnosis’ due to the impact it has on quality of life. Gideon has since undergone six brain surgeries as we’ve struggled to control his seizures and remedy the ramifications of injuries sustained during his initial surgery. Unfortunately, parents of children with epilepsy are often forced to choose between two evils: ongoing seizures or an inevitable disability as a result of brain matter removed during surgery.

These photographs document the days before, during and after Gideon’s fourth surgery where a bio-plastic plate was inserted and meshed with his skull to replace a section of bone that was lost to infection one-year prior.

A lot has changed for our family since these photographs were taken. Gideon’s had two more brain surgeries – one for hydrocephalus and one to address the return of his seizures. This latter surgery has been nothing short of miraculous: since he was discharged in May, he’s started talking, making eye contact and rapidly increasing his fine and gross motor skills. Although he’s still g-tube fed, he takes a few less medications each day.

Unfortunately, there have been difficult changes as well. Gideon’s father and I are no longer together and we’re working to co-parent in a system that’s not set up for marital separation.  Also, Lilah has been struggling with her own disability challenges that include an increase in the severity of her eating disorder as well as general anxiety.

Both of my children’s care teams work hard on a daily basis, but a lot of ambiguity remains about what the future holds. For now, we all try to remember that what doesn’t get done today can always be done tomorrow.

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