FVCA seeks to ensure that the voices of families of children with special health care needs are heard at both the State and Federal level when policies, votes, and decisions are made.
We encourage families, professionals, advocates and all those interested in the well being of children with special health care needs to write or talk to their elected officials about the policies and decisions affecting their children.
Who Are Your Elected Officials?
Find out who your elected Federal and State officials are and how to contact them by simply entering your zip code here.
Tips For Writing to Legislators
Advocacy & Policy Resources
Here are some websites that offer information on policy development and/or legislative initiatives concerning children:
Advocacy And Communications Solutions
American Academy Of Pediatrics
Bazelon Center For Mental Health Law
California Children’s Hospital Association
California Chronic Care Coalition
Children’s Specialty Care Coalition
Children’s Regional Integrated Service System
Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund
Families USA (view legislative alerts in their Action Center portal)
Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Hemophilia Council Of California
Institute For Child Health Policy
Lucile Packard Foundation For Children’s Health
Reed Martin Special Education Law